So, as you may have noticed, this is a way overdue entry about day 4 at DEVOXX 2011 :)
As I still haddn't gotten enough, I decided to hear another session about the Cloud.
Cloud is such stuff that dream are made on
(Patrick Chanezon, Guillaume Laforge and Ludovic Cahmpenois) 
Overview of:
- Saas (Software as a service)
- Iaas (Infrastructure as a service)
- Paas (Platform as a service)
- Cloud Foundry, Google AppEngine, Cloudbees,Microsoft Azure
-- Google AppEngine
- easy to build
- easy to manage
- Admin Console "Appstart"
- secure
- SLA (99% uptime guarantee)
- easy to scale
Gaelyk - lightweight Groovy Toolkit on top of Google App Engine
“Don’t be a Google Bitch, don’t be a Facebook Bitch, and don’t be a Twitter Bitch. Be your own Bitch.”
Fred Wilson --> Look at open source/open standards aspects of the platforms and services you use
Html5 with Play,Scala Coffeescript and Jade
(Matt Raible)Matt Raible in a entertaining talk, went about on his adventure on building a app using these technologies.
Check out his slides:
Html5 with Play,Scala Coffeescript and Jade------------------------------
Cool talk! :))
The jQuery Essentials
(Addy Osmani)In a completely packed room, this talk presented some jQuery essentials.
Why use jQuery?
- well documented
- well tested
- large community
- it is lightweight
In the top million sites,
over 60% use jQuery!
Version 1.7 just released!
Check out his talk
(Andrew Swan and James Tyrrell)
- Spring Roo is a shell based next-generation rapid application development tool for Java developers
The speakers demonstrated live how to use Spring Roo to very quickly create an application.
_It is useful for rapid prototyping or experimenting with supported technologies.
_even allows DB reverse engineering
_can create repositories, services on demand.
Cool talk, but the shell based aspect, does turn me off :p