Mittwoch, 16. November 2011

Day 3 HTML 5 rocks!!

Death of the slow: 7 Reasons to love JBoss AS7
(Dan Allen and Andrew Rubinger)

#1 - Speed
#2 - Modular Design
#3 - Exceptionally lightweight
- define servlet-configuration to trim for ex. servlet container
#4 - Domain Management
- keyword: Domain Controller, Server group
#5 - Elegant administration
#6 - First class components
ex.: Ruby on JBoss (TorqueBox for Java and Ruby!)
#7 - Developer productivity
-JBoss Forge

Bleeding Edge HTML5
(Paul Kinlan)

- < details > / < summary > - to expand and collapse content
- < output > - no need for onclick or onchange
- < mark > - for highlights
- speech input - x-webkit-speech

>> Intelligent Web Apps
- smarter animations (browser gets more control, on how often call back functions are called) -> window.requestAnimation
- Page visibility API/Rendering -> detect if user is on the page tab or not
- know when you are connected -> so you can do diferent things accordingly

Some other keywords:
- Web Intents (see android intents)
- Rich Media: full screen API
- Web RTC

Basically from what I saw, I have to agree with the speaker, it is just Craaaazy cool!! I want it too!
Great speaker! :))))

Performance anti-patterns in Hibernate
(Patrycja Wegrzynowicz)

#1 - premature optimization
#2 - lost proxy on owning sid -> prefer field access mappings
#3 - temporary changes -> flush to database
#4 - inadequate collection type on the owning side
one-to-many relationships
- bag semantic :(
- set semantic :)
- list semantic :(
#5 - OneToMany as owning side
-> use ManyToOne as the owning side and OneToMany as the inverse side
#6 - inadequate collection onb the inverse side
#7 - OneByOne processing

Conclusion: read the documentation!

Interesting and scary were some examples she showed about how many updates hibernate does in the background if one uses inadequate types. Eeeeeerie!

Productivity enhancements in Spring 3.1
(Costin Leau)

>> Spring 3.1
> Environment abstraction: Bean Profiles
- group objects by target environment (ex. test,dev,prod,..)
- activate profiles - when beans are not active, they are not validated :)

> Java based App Config (for those who curse XML)
- can use it instead of XML or alongside it
XML JavaConfig
Namespaces @enable*
FactoryBean Builder
GenericXMLContextLoader AnnotationContextLoader

> c: namespace (analogue to p: namespace)

> Cache Abstraction

> @MVC improvements
- was introduced in 2.5 - improvements in 3 for REST

> Consumers and producers

> Refined JPA support

- RC1 out in October
- RC2 next week
- GA soon after

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